Standard Monitor Types
The standard monitor types are divided into categories based on the type of system or
component that they can monitor. The categories are as follows:
The monitor types in each category are listed in tabular for below. Each table includes
the name of the monitor, a description of its use, an overview note of activation
requirements, and which SiteScope operating system platforms support the monitor type.
Click the hyperlinks in the tables to view more detailed information about each
monitor type.
Network Services monitors test networked applications and services by
simulating end user actions. These include the following:
Monitor Type
Requirements Overview
SiteScope Platform
Composite (Bandwidth) Monitor
Compares or combine
readings from two SNMP, Script, or Database monitors and
perform an arithmetic operation on the results.
SiteScope License, two Script, SNMP, or
Database monitors configured.
Windows NT/2000, Linux, and Solaris
Used to test connectivity to databases
and performs queries to verify that data can
be retrieved.
SiteScope License, applicable database
driver (may require download), connection information
Windows NT/2000, Linux, and Solaris
DNS Monitor
Checks a Domain Name Server
and verifies that the DNS server is accepting
requests, and also verifies that the address for a specific
domain name can be found.
SiteScope License
Windows NT/2000, Linux, and Solaris
eBusiness Chain Monitor
A container monitor that verifies an online
transaction by checking the complete chain of processes and
actions, including retrieval of Web pages, e-mail notifications,
back-end databases, and extranet applications.
SiteScope License, other applicable
monitors configured individually
Windows NT/2000, Linux, and Solaris
FTP Monitor
Connects to an FTP server,
verifies that a file can be retrieved. Reports
download times and can be used to compare
file contents.
SiteScope License, FTP server
Windows NT/2000, Linux, and Solaris
Mail Monitor
Verifies that a mail
server is accepting requests, and that messages can be sent and
SiteScope License, e-mail account access
Windows NT/2000, Linux, and Solaris
MAPI Monitor
Verify that
applications can send e-mail and attachments using the
Messaging Application Program Interface on Microsoft Exchange
SiteScope License, Exchange account permissions
Windows NT/2000 ONLY
Network Bandwidth Monitor
Query network appliances such as routers
and switches to monitor and report network traffic levels.
SiteScope License
Windows NT/2000, Linux, and Solaris
Ping Monitor
Checks that specified
hosts are available via the network to verify critical connections.
SiteScope License
Windows NT/2000, Linux, and Solaris
Port Monitor
Checks if a specified port used by a particular
service is open and
is accepting connections.
SiteScope License
Windows NT/2000, Linux, and Solaris
RTSP (Real Time
Streaming Protocol) Monitor
The Real Time Streaming Protocol (RTSP)
Monitor is used to monitor a variety of streaming media files
including: .wav, .au, .rm, .mov, .mpg media files and sources.
Other media monitors are included for other media types.
SiteScope License, URL of target
media content
Windows NT/2000, Linux, and Solaris
SNMP by MIB Monitor
Use this monitor to browse, select, and read up to ten
OID values
from an SNMP-enabled device. Can browse agent OID's based on
a vendor-supplied or custom MIB file.
SiteScope License, enabled SNMP agent,
host address, and applicable MIB.
Windows NT/2000, Linux, and Solaris
SNMP Monitor
Reads a value
from an SNMP-enabled device. Many network devices support the SNMP
protocol as a way of monitoring the performance and system status.
SiteScope License, enabled SNMP agent,
host address and applicable OID.
Windows NT/2000, Linux, and Solaris
Reads SNMP traps sent
to the SiteScope application by SNMP devices.
SiteScope License, available SNMP port, SNMP agents
configured to sent to SiteScope host.
Windows NT/2000, Linux, and Solaris
URL Monitor
Verifies availability,
content, and access time for specified URLs.
SiteScope takes advantage of Java's integrated SSL support
to monitor secure HTTPS URLs in addition to HTTP URLs
SiteScope License, extra
set up steps may be required for HTTPS monitoring.
Windows NT/2000, Linux, and Solaris
URL Sequence
Simulates a
user's session across several Web pages. Javascript
and other embedded program objects are not directly supported.
SiteScope License, account access may be needed
depending on intended use.
Windows NT/2000, Linux, and Solaris
Web Service
Queries a Web
Service by sending a SOAP Request to applicable servers.
SiteScope License, WSDL/SOAP URL
Windows NT/2000, Linux, and Solaris
Server monitors measure server resource and operating system attributes.
These include the following:
Monitor Type
Requirements Overview
SiteScope Platform
CPU Utilization
The CPU Utilization Monitor reports the
percentage of CPU currently in use to ensure that you know if
the CPU is being overloaded.
SiteScope License, remote connection profile.
Windows NT/2000, Linux, and Solaris
Verifies that an IP address can be obtained from a DHCP server.
SiteScope License, Java-based DHCP libraries (download required)
Windows NT/2000, Linux, and Solaris
Disk Space
Monitors the
percentage and amount of disk space currently in use.
SiteScope License, remote connection,
diskperf setting required on remote Windows 2000/2003 servers.
Windows NT/2000, Linux, and Solaris
Measures virtual memory usage
on servers.
SiteScope License, remote connection
Windows NT/2000, Linux, and Solaris
Measures network's saturation on the
SiteScope server based on packet errors,
throughput (bits/second), and open
SiteScope License
Windows NT/2000 ONLY
Verifies that specified
processes and services are running on servers.
SiteScope License, remote connection
Windows NT/2000, Linux, and Solaris
Web Server
Reads Web server
logs and reports data on hits, bytes, errors, hits per minute,
and bytes per minute. It supports Netscape Enterprise, Netscape
FastTrack, Microsoft IIS, O'Reilly WebSite, and any Web
server that uses the common log format.
SiteScope License, common log format files
Windows NT/2000, Linux, and Solaris
Application monitors are designed to query specific network applications
and servers. Several of these monitors are specific to Microsoft Windows
environments. These include the following:
Monitor Type
Requirements Overview
SiteScope Platform
Apache Server
Monitors Apache server
availability statistics like bytes per second,
requests per second, and CPU load.
SiteScope License, Apache Server statistics enabled
Windows NT/2000, Linux, and Solaris
ASP Server
Monitors server statistics
for Microsoft ASP Servers such as total bytes per seconds,
requests queued, and errors per second.
SiteScope License, remote connection, applicable
account permissions
Windows NT/2000 ONLY
BroadVision 5.5
Application Server Monitor
Monitors a wide array of server
statistics and data for BroadVision 5.5 servers
SiteScope License, remote connection information
Windows NT/2000, Linux, and Solaris
Check Point
Firewall-1 Monitor
Monitors Check Point firewall parameters such
as fwEvent, fwRejected, and fwLogged.
SiteScope License, OID information
Windows NT/2000, Linux, and Solaris
Cisco Works
Monitors Cisco Works server parameters using SNMP.
SiteScope License, remote connection information,
applicable MIB file, OID information
Windows NT/2000, Linux, and Solaris
Citrix Server
Monitor Citrix
server parameters using performance counters.
SiteScope License, remote connection
Windows NT/2000 ONLY
Server Monitor
Monitors ColdFusion server statistics
like page hits per second,
Queued Requests, or Avg Req Time.
SiteScope License, remote connection
Windows NT/2000 ONLY
DB2 Monitor
Reads server data for
IBM DB2 database servers such as rem_cons_in, local_cons,
SiteScope License, applicable account permissions, DB2
client and libraries installed and configured on SiteScope server
Windows NT/2000, Linux, and Solaris
Dynamo Application
Server Monitor
data for an ATG Dynamo platform using SNMP such as
dbFreeResources, sysNumErrorMsgs, and sysFreeMem.
SiteScope License, remote connection information, OID information
Windows NT/2000 ONLY
F5 Big-IP
Reads performance
statistics of a F5 Big-IP load balancing server.
SiteScope License, host name, applicable MIB file
Windows NT/2000, Linux, and Solaris
Monitors performance statistics
for Microsoft Internet Information Servers (IIS) including post
requests per second, bytes sent per second, and total not found
SiteScope License, remote connection
Windows NT/2000 ONLY
Server Monitor
server performance summaries on SunONE/iPlanet 4.1, 6.0 and
Netscape 3.x servers.
SiteScope License, remote connection information
Windows NT/2000, Linux, and Solaris
Application Server Monitor
Monitors server performance statistics on Oracle9i
Application Servers such as request.maxTime,,
connection.maxTime, and Decline.count.
SiteScope License, connection URL, Web-caching enabled
on Oracle server.
Windows NT/2000, Linux, and Solaris
Oracle JDBC
Monitors server performance statistics on Oracle database
servers (versions 8i and 9i plus some earlier versions) using a
JDBC connection.
SiteScope License, database driver, connection information
Windows NT/2000, Linux, and Solaris
Media Player Monitor
Monitors a Real Media Stream or
RealSystem media files.
SiteScope License, Real Media Player client libraries
Windows NT/2000 ONLY
Real Media
Server Monitor
Monitors server statistics on RealNetworks streaming media
SiteScope License, remote connection
Windows NT/2000 ONLY
SAP Monitor
performance statistics of a SAP server.
SiteScope License, SAP client software
Windows NT/2000
Server Monitor
Monitors SilverStream server statistics such as current load, total
sessions, and average request process time
SiteScope License
Windows NT/2000, Linux, and Solaris
SQL Server
Monitors statistics
from Microsoft SQL Servers for key database server performance
SiteScope License, remote connection
Windows NT/2000 ONLY
SunONE Server
server performance summaries on SunONE/iPlanet 6.0 Web servers
via content on the XML status pages.
SiteScope License, SunONE XML server statistics
option enabled
Windows NT/2000, Linux, and Solaris
server performance statistics of Sybase database servers
including data from the Memory, Locks, Cache, Transactions, and
SqlSvr objects.
SiteScope License, Sybase ASE server, Sybase Central client
Windows NT/2000
Use this monitor to check performance
parameters for BEA Tuxedo Application Servers.
SiteScope License, Tuxedo Workstation component,
applicable account permissions
Windows NT/2000
WebLogic 5.x
Application Server Monitor
Checks BEA WebLogic
5.x server statistics parameters using SNMP.
SiteScope License, WebLogic Server SNMP Agent enabled,
OID information
Windows NT/2000, Linux, and Solaris
WebLogic 6.x/7.0
Application Server Monitor
Monitors performance
counters for BEA WebLogic 6.x and 7.0 Servers.
SiteScope License, remote connection information,
applicable WebLogic server account permissions
Windows NT/2000, Linux, and Solaris
Application Server Monitor
Monitors a wide range of performance counters for IBM
WebSphere Application Servers such as MemoryUse, BeanPoolSize,
ActiveThreads, ConnectionWaitTime, Timeouts, and
SiteScope License, WebSphere Administrator's Console
or applicable libraries, connection information, applicable account permissions
Windows NT/2000, Linux, and Solaris
Performance Servlet Monitor
WebSphere Performance Servlet uses a
special performance servlet for monitoring the performance
statistics of IBM WebSphere Application Servers .
SiteScope License, WebSphere Performance Servlet,
connection information
Windows NT/2000, Linux, and Solaris
Windows Media Player
Verifies availability of media streams or files
in the Microsoft Windows Media format.
SiteScope License, remote connection
Windows NT/2000 ONLY
Windows Media Server Monitor
Monitors Microsoft Windows
Media Server statistics like active streams, stream errors per
second, or late reads per second.
SiteScope License, remote connection
Windows NT/2000 ONLY
Advanced Monitors are special purpose monitors to provide specific
functionality. These include the following:
Monitor Type
Requirements Overview
SiteScope Platform
A container monitor useful for checking the status of
a set of monitors or monitor groups.
SiteScope License, two or more other monitors
Windows NT/2000, Linux, and Solaris
Checks the file count
and directory size on remote servers.
SiteScope License, remote connection
Windows NT/2000, Linux, and Solaris
File Monitor
Checks the size, age, and,
optionally, the content of a file.
SiteScope License, remote connection
Windows NT/2000, Linux, and Solaris
LDAP Monitor
Checks an LDAP server by
sending a password authentication request and reports the
SiteScope License, applicable account information
Windows NT/2000, Linux, and Solaris
Link Check
Checks the internal and
external hyperlinks on a Web site to ensure that links return content
and they can be
SiteScope License
Windows NT/2000, Linux, and Solaris
Log File
Monitors a log file to generate
warnings and errors based upon content found in the file.
SiteScope License, remote connection
Windows NT/2000, Linux, and Solaris
Multiple Log File
Monitors one or more log files in a
single directory to generate
warnings and errors based upon content found in the file.
SiteScope License, remote connection
Windows NT/2000, Linux, and Solaris
News Monitor
Connects to a news (NNTP)
server and verifies that groups can be retrieved.
SiteScope License, applicable account information
Windows NT/2000, Linux, and Solaris
NT Dial-up
Verifies that a dial-up
connection can be made to an ISP or Remote Access server and
measures performance over the dial-up connection.
SiteScope License
Windows NT/2000 ONLY
NT Event Log
Watches one of the available
Windows NT Event Logs (System, Application, or Security).
SiteScope License, remote connection, event log information
Windows NT/2000 ONLY
NT Performance
Counter Monitor
the values of Windows NT performance statistics. These are
the same statistics used by the Performance Monitor application
under Windows NT.
SiteScope License, remote connection
Windows NT/2000 ONLY
Verifies operation of a Radius
server by sending an authentication request.
SiteScope License, connection and account information
Windows NT/2000, Linux, and Solaris
Verifies that a operating
system shell script or batch file executes correctly. Can be used to
execute script tasks at regular intervals.
SiteScope License, remote connection,
applicable script file and account permissions,
Windows NT/2000, Linux, and Solaris
URL Content
Retrieves a Web page and
reports one or more values from the
content based on user defined match criteria.
SiteScope License, applicable regular expression
Windows NT/2000, Linux, and Solaris
URL List
Monitors the availability of an entire
list of URLs, rather than defining several separate URL
SiteScope License, URL list as text file
Windows NT/2000, Linux, and Solaris