Memory Monitor
The SiteScope Memory Monitor provides an easy way for you to track how
much virtual memory is currently in use on your server. Running out of
memory can cause server applications to fail and excessive paging can have
a drastic effect on performance.
Each time the Memory Monitor runs, it returns a status message and writes it in the monitoring log file.
Usage Guidelines
What to monitor
One of the primary factors that can affect your Web server's
performance is memory. The two most important measurements to detect
problems in this area are Pages per Second and Percentage of Virtual Memory
Used, both monitored by the SiteScope Memory Monitor.
About scheduling this monitor
In most environments, the Memory Monitor does not put a heavy load on your server. For monitoring
remote UNIX servers, SiteScope will usually need to open a telnet or SSH connection to the remote
server. While the monitor actions generally do not load the either server, managing a large number
of remote connections can results in some performance problems.
You use the error and warning thresholds to have SiteScope notify you if
memory on a remote server starts to get low.
Common Problems and Solutions
Pages per second measures the number of virtual memory pages that are
moved between main memory and disk storage. If this number is consistently
high (>10 pages/sec), system performance is being affected. One solution
is to add more memory. Another solution is to turn off non-critical
services that are using memory, or move these services to a different
machine. The SiteScope Service Monitor measures the memory usage for each
Percentage of Virtual Memory Used measures the percentage of memory and
paging file space used. If this number reaches 100%, services that are
running may fail and new ones will not be able to start. Increasing the
size of the paging file may solve the immediate problem but may decrease
performance by increasing paging. A slow increase in Virtual Memory Used is
often caused by a memory leak in a service. The SiteScope Process Detail
tool (available when you click the tools link listed in the Monitor Detail
Table) can be used to view the memory used by each service. The ideal
solution is to install an upgraded version of the service without the leak.
An interim solution is to use the SiteScope Service Monitor to measure the
service size and invoke a SiteScope Script alert to restart the service
when it becomes too large. If restarting the service does not fix the leak,
it may be necessary to add a SiteScope Script alert to restart the server
when memory usage is too high.
Completing the Memory Monitor Form
To display the Memory Monitor Form, either click the Edit link
for an existing Memory Monitor in a monitor table, or click the Add
a new Monitor to this Group link on a group's detail page and choose
the Add Memory Monitor link.
Complete the items on the Memory Monitor Form as follows. When the
required items are complete, click the Update Monitor button.
- Server
Choose the server that you want to monitor. The default is to
monitor memory on the server on which SiteScope is installed. Click
the choose server link to monitors memory on another server.
- Update every
Select how often the monitor should check this drive.
The default interval is to run or update the monitor once every 10 minutes.
Use the drop-down list to the right of the text box to specify another update
interval in increments of seconds, minutes, hours, or days. The update interval
must be 15 seconds or longer.
- Title
Enter a title text for this monitor. This text is displayed in the
group detail page, in report titles, and other places in the SiteScope
interface. If you do not enter a title text, SiteScope will
create a title based on the host, server, or URL being monitored.
Advanced Options
The Advanced Options section presents a number of ways to customize
monitor behavior and display. Use this section to customize error and warning
thresholds, disable the monitor, set monitor-to-monitor dependencies, customize
display options, and enter other monitor specific settings required for
special infrastructure environments. The options for this monitor type are
described below. Complete the entries as needed and click the Add
or Update button to save the settings.
- Disable
Check this box to temporarily disable this monitor and any
associated alerts. To enable the monitor again, clear the box.
- Verify Error
Check this box if you want SiteScope to automatically run this
monitor again when it detects an error.
- Update Every (on error)
You use this option to set a new monitoring interval for
monitors that have registered an error condition. For example, you
may want SiteScope to monitor this item every 10 minutes normally,
but as often as every 2 minutes if an error has been detected. Note
that this increased scheduling will also affect the number of
alerts generated by this monitor.
- Schedule
By default, SiteScope monitors are enabled every day of the
week. You may, however, schedule your monitors to run only on
certain days or on a fixed schedule. Click the Edit
schedule link to create or edit a monitor schedule.
For more information about working with monitor schedules,
see the section on Schedule
Preferences for Monitoring.
- Monitor Description
Enter additional information about this monitor. The Monitor
Description can include HTML tags such as the <BR>
<HR>, and <B> tags to control display format and style.
The description will appear on the Monitor Detail page.
- Report Description
Enter an optional description for this monitor that will make it easier to
understand what the monitor does. For example, network traffic or
main server response time. This description will be displayed on
with each bar chart and graph in Management Reports and appended to
the tool-tip displayed when you pass the mouse cursor over the
status icon for this monitor on the monitor detail page.
- Depends On
To make the running of this monitor dependent on the status of
another monitor or monitor group, use the drop-down list to select
the monitor on which this monitor is dependent. Select
None to remove any dependency.
- Depends Condition
If you choose to make the running of this monitor dependent on the
status of another monitor, select the status condition that the
other monitor or monitor group should have in order for the current
monitor to run normally. The current monitor will be run normally
as long as the monitor on which it depends reports the
condition selected in this option.
- List Order
By default, new monitors are listed last on the Monitor Detail
page. You may use this drop-down list to choose a different
placement for this monitor.
- Error if
Set the Error threshold for this monitor. By default SiteScope
reports an error condition if memory use is more than 80%. You can
change this to report errors based upon pages/second, Megabytes
free, and percentage of memory in use. Choose the option you want
from the drop-down list, select a comparison value symbol, and
enter a threshold value.
For example, if you want SiteScope to report an error condition
if your memory use is more than 96%, you need to choose percent
used from the drop-down list, select >= from the comparison
value list, and then enter 96 in the text box.
- Warning if
Set the warning threshold for this monitor. By default SiteScope
reports a warning condition if your memory use is more than 90%
full, but less than the error threshold. You can change this
threshold or set it to generate a warning based upon pages per
second, Megabytes free, or percentage of memory in use. You must
enter a whole number.
For example, if you want to change the warning threshold to 50%,
choose percent used from the drop-down list, select >=
from the comparison value list, and enter 50 in the test entry
- Good if
- You may also specify a threshold for a good reading. You may base
it on pages per second, Megabytes free, or percentage of memory in