Log File Monitor
The Log File Monitor watches for specific entries added to a log file by
looking for entries containing a text phrase or a regular expression.
The "Run Alerts" setting control how alerts are triggered by
this monitor. If "for each log entry matched" is chosen, then the
monitor triggers alerts for every matching log entry found. In this way,
the monitor acts much like an event forwarder. If "once, after all log
entries have been checked" is chosen, then the monitor counts up the
number of matches and triggers alerts based on the Error if and
Warning if thresholds defined for the monitor.
Each time the Log File Monitor runs, it examines log entries
added since the last time it ran. Optionally, you can set the monitor to check
log entries from the beginning of the log file using the Check from Beginning
What to monitor
The Log File Monitor is useful for automatically scanning log files for
error information. With SiteScope doing
this for you at set intervals, you can eliminate the need to scan the logs
manually. In addition, you can be notified of warning conditions that you
might have otherwise been unaware of until something more serious happened.
Each time that it runs this monitor, SiteScope starts from the point in the
file where it stopped reading last time it ran. This insures that
you are only notified of new entries and speeds the rate at which the
monitor runs.
About scheduling this monitor
You can schedule your Log File Monitors to run as often as every 15 seconds.
However, depending on the size of the log file, the total number of monitors you have
running, and Check from Beginning option
selected, the monitor may take 15 seconds or longer to check the file for
the desired entries. The default update schedule is
every 10 minutes which may be reasonable in most cases.
Completing the Log File Monitor Form
To display the Log File Monitor Form, either click the Edit link
for an existing Log File Monitor in a monitor table, or click the add a
Monitor link on a group's detail page and click the
Add Log File Monitor link.
Complete the items on the Log File Monitor Form as follows. When the
required items are complete, click the Add Monitor button.
- Server
Select the server where the log files you want to monitor are
located. Use the choose server link to access a list of
remote UNIX servers that have been
specified to SiteScope.
- Log File Pathname
Enter the pathname to the log file you want to monitor. For reading
log files on remote UNIX machines, the path must be relative to the
home directory of UNIX user account being used to login to
the remote machine. See the Preferences - Remote UNIX page
for information on which UNIX user account is being used.
You can also monitor log files on a remote Windows NT/2000 server through NetBIOS
by including the UNC path to the remote log file. For example,
This requires that the user account under which SiteScope is running
has permission to access the remote directory using the UNC path. If a direct
connection via the operating system is unsuccessful, SiteScope will try to match the
\\remoteserver with servers currently defined as remote NT connection profiles
(displayed in the Remote NT Servers table).
If an exact match is found for \\remoteserver in the remote NT connection
profiles, SiteScope will try to use this connection profile to access the remote log file.
If no matching server name is found, the monitor reports that the remote log file
can not be found.
Note: If you are using SSH as a connection method to
remote NT servers, you will need to select the remote server using
the Choose Server link above. It is not necessary to select
a remote NT server if you are using NetBIOS to connect to remote NT
Optionally, you can use a regular expression to insert date
and time variables. For example, you can use a syntax of
s/ex$shortYear$$0month$$0day$.log/ to match date-coded IIS
log file names.
- Check from Beginning
Select file checking option for this monitor instance. This setting
controls what SiteScope will look for and how much of the target
file will be checked each time that the monitor is run. The following table
describes the options for this setting:
Checking Option
Check only newly added records, starting at the time
that the monitor was created (not when the file was created). This is the default
First Time Only
Check the whole file once when the monitor is first
created, then only for new records on each subsequent monitor run. Use this option to
check a file that already had entries before the monitor was created or started.
Always check the contents of the whole file.
Note: Use of this option may have undesired impact on SiteScope
performance. Monitoring large log files with this option may use large amounts of memory
and CPU time on the SiteScope server which can lead to other performance problems.
- Run Alert
Select the method for running alerts for this monitor.
Select "for each event
matched" to have the monitor trigger alerts for each and every
matching entry found.
Note: When the Log File Monitor is
run with this alert method selected, the
monitor will never be displayed as an error or warning status in the SiteScope interface, regardless
of the results of the content match or even if the target log file is not found.
The monitor will trigger alerts if one or more matching entries are found
and the Error if or
Warning if thresholds are defined accordingly in the
Advanced Options section. For example, setting Error if
to the default of matchCount > 0.
Select "once, after all events have been checked"
to have the monitor count up the number of matches
and trigger alerts one time based on the Error if and
Warning if thresholds defined for the monitor in the
Advanced Options section.
Note: By default, selecting this option will cause SiteScope
to send one alert message if one or more matches are found, but
the alert will not include any details of the matching entries.
To have SiteScope include the matching entries,
you must associate the monitor with an alert definition that has
the property, <matchDetails> in the alert template. This special
template property is used to populate the alert with the details of all the
matching entries. You use this for e-mail alerts or other alert types that work with template properties.
E-mail alert templates are stored in the SiteScope\templates.mail directory.
See the chapter on Custom Alert Templates in the
SiteScope Reference Guide for more information about
modifying alert templates.
- Content Match
Enter the text to look for in the log entries. Regular expressions may also be used in this box
to match text patterns. Unlike the content match feature of other
SiteScope monitors, the Log File Monitor content match is run
repeatedly against the most recent content of target log file until
all matches are found. This means the monitor not only reports if
the match was found but also how many times the matched pattern was
found. To match text that includes more than one line of text, add
an s search modifier to the end of the regular expression.
- Update every
Select how often the monitor should read the application log
The default interval is to run or update the monitor once every 10 minutes.
Use the drop-down list to the right of the text box to specify another update
interval in increments of seconds, minutes, hours, or days. The update interval
must be 15 seconds or longer.
- Title
Enter a title text for this monitor. This text is displayed in the
group detail page, in report titles, and other places in the SiteScope
interface. If you do not enter a title text, SiteScope will
create a title based on the host, server, or URL being monitored.
Advanced Options
The Advanced Options section presents a number of ways to customize
monitor behavior and display. Use this section to customize error and warning
thresholds, disable the monitor, set monitor-to-monitor dependencies, customize
display options, and enter other monitor specific settings required for
special infrastructure environments. The options for this monitor type are
described below. Complete the entries as needed and click the Add
or Update button to save the settings.
- Rules File Pathname
Optional: In rare cases, it may be necessary to create a custom
rules file to specify the log entries to match and the alerts to
send. An example rules file is located in
<SiteScope install path>/SiteScope/classes/CustomMonitor/sample.rules.
Make a copy of this
file and rename. There is no required naming
convention. Open the file with the editor of your choice, and using
the comments as a guideline, edit the file to meet your needs. When
you are finished, type the full path name to your rules file in
this box.
- No Error on File Not Found
Check this box if you want this monitor to remain in GOOD status,
if the file is not found.
- Disable
Check this box to temporarily disable this monitor and any
associated alerts. To enable the monitor again, clear the box.
- Verify Error
Check this box if you want SiteScope to automatically run this
monitor again if it detects an error. When an error is detected,
the monitor will immediately be scheduled to run again once.
Note: In order to change the run frequency of this
monitor when an error is detected, use the Update every (on
errors) option below.
Note: The status returned by the Verify Error run
of the monitor will replace the status of the originally scheduled
run that detected an error. This may cause the loss of important
performance data if the data from the verify run is different than
the initial error status.
Warning: Use of this option across many monitor instances
may result in significant monitoring delays in the case that
multiple monitors are rescheduled to verify errors at the same
- Update Every (on error)
You use this option to set a new monitoring interval for
monitors that have registered an error condition. For example, you
may want SiteScope to monitor this item every 10 minutes normally,
but as often as every 2 minutes if an error has been detected. Note
that this increased scheduling will also affect the number of
alerts generated by this monitor.
- Schedule
By default, SiteScope monitors are enabled every day of the
week. You may, however, schedule your monitors to run only on
certain days or on a fixed schedule. Click the Edit
schedule link to create or edit a monitor schedule.
For more information about working with monitor schedules,
see the section on Schedule
Preferences for Monitoring.
- Monitor Description
Enter additional information about this monitor. The Monitor
Description can include HTML tags such as the <BR>
<HR>, and <B> tags to control display format and style.
The description will appear on the Monitor Detail page.
- Report Description
Enter an optional description for this monitor that will make it easier to
understand what the monitor does. For example, network traffic or
main server response time. This description will be displayed on
with each bar chart and graph in Management Reports and appended to
the tool-tip displayed when you pass the mouse cursor over the
status icon for this monitor on the monitor detail page.
- Depends On
To make the running of this monitor dependent on the status of
another monitor or monitor group, use the drop-down list to select
the monitor on which this monitor is dependent. Select
None to remove any dependency.
- Depends Condition
If you choose to make the running of this monitor dependent on the
status of another monitor, select the status condition that the
other monitor or monitor group should have in order for the current
monitor to run normally. The current monitor will be run normally
as long as the monitor on which it depends reports the
condition selected in this option.
- List Order
By default, new monitors are listed last on the Monitor Detail
page. You may use this drop-down list to choose a different
placement for this monitor.
- Error if
Set an error threshold for this monitor. The thresholds are used
when the "Run Alerts: once, ..." option is chosen. By
default, an error is signaled whenever there is one or more
matching events. Select a comparison value from the list, and use
the comparison operator list to specify an error threshold such as:
>= (greater than or equal to), != (not equal to), or < (less
The possible comparison values are:
- matches - the number of matches found.
- lines - the number of lines processed.
- lines/min - the number of lines per minute processed during
this monitoring period.
- matches/min - the number of matches per minute that
occurred during this monitoring period.
- Warning if
Set the Warning threshold for this monitor. The default is to
generate a warning if SiteScope is unable to read the log file. The
symbols in the comparison value drop-down list are the same as
those for Error if.
- Good if
The default is to mark the monitor as good if the log file can be
read and there are no matches.