SiteScope User's Guide

Configuring Scheduled Management Reports

You use the Add/Update Management Report form to create or edit a SiteScope management report. You can add or remove subject monitors from the report, as well as change which report data is shown, how the data is displayed, and the change the time period to be reported on.

Making changes to an existing management report will become effective for future reports. Previously generated reports will continue to reflect the format and content choices that were in effect when they were generated. See the section on Reading Management Reports for additional information on reports.

Understanding the Add/Update Management Report Form

Use the options presented on the Management Report Form to configure scheduled reports. To create a new scheduled report, complete the applicable sections as described below and then click the Add management report link.

Report Subject(s)
You may choose to show the past performance of one or more groups of monitors or one or more selected monitors. Select the monitor(s) you want included in the report from the selection list. You can select multiple groups and monitors by holding down the control key while making your selection. The format of the subjects are:

[group name] - Select a specific group to include all monitors in the selected group in the report.

[group name]: [monitor name] or [group name]:[subgroup name]: [monitor name] - Select a specific monitor to include all monitors in the selected group in the report.

Time Period
Select the time period for which you want to view monitoring data. You may choose to report on data for a set number of hours, for the last day, or for the last several days, the past week, past month, or month-to-date for the current calendar month. Daily and month-to-date reports are generated every day at the scheduled time. Weekly reports are generated on Sundays at the scheduled time, and monthly reports are generated on the first day of the month following the current month so that they will contain an entire month's worth of data.

Report Sections
The SiteScope Management reports can be customized to show key monitor data in different formats. By default, SiteScope generates reports with six sections:

Report Section


Summary of Monitor Thresholds This option creates a report tables of four columns. The four columns in the table display the following settings for each selected for the report:
  1. Name - the name of the monitor
  2. Error if - the measurement parameter, comparison operator, and error status threshold value currently set for the monitor
  3. Warning if - - the measurement parameter, comparison operator, and warning status threshold value currently set for the monitor
  4. Good if - - the measurement parameter, comparison operator, and good status threshold value currently set for the monitor
Summary of Uptime and Readings This option creates two report tables: Uptime Summary and Measurement Summary. These table include the following:

Uptime Summary Table

  1. Name - the name of monitor(s) included in the report
  2. Uptime % - the percentage of monitor readings reported as good
  3. Warning % - the percentage of monitor readings reported as warning
  4. Error % - the percentage of monitor readings reported as error
  5. Last - the last reading of the monitor for the report period

Measurement Summary

  1. Name - the name of monitor(s) included in the report
  2. Measurement - the parameter being monitored (for error condition)
  3. Max - the maximum value recorded for the Measurement parameter during the report period
  4. Avg - the average value of the readings recorded for the report period
  5. Last - the last reading of the monitor for the report period
Time in Error Summary This option creates a table summary listing each monitor selected for the report with a summary of how many minutes the monitor status was caculated as being in error for the period of the report.
A choice of graph formats A drop-down list presenting the line graph or bar graph options described below
Table of Monitor Readings Creates a table of individual readings recorded by the monitor(s) during the report period, including all readings (error, good, and warning). This report table may also include blank "buckets" depending on the period of the report and how often the monitor(s) ran during the period.
Listing of Errors Creates a table of individual error readings recorded by the monitor(s) during the report period
Listing of Warnings Creates a table of individual warning readings recorded by the monitor(s) during the report period
Listing of Goods Creates a table of individual good readings recorded by the monitor(s) during the report period
Listing of Alerts Sent Creates a table of listing any alerts that were sent by any of the monitors selected for the report. You use the drop-down menu to the right of this check box to select the alert detail to be included.

The Detail Level controls the amount of information printed for each alert. There are three detail level options. Basic shows the time and summary information for each alert. Detail for Failed Alerts shows detailed diagnostic output for any alerts that failed - all other alerts are shown with summary information. Detail for All Alerts shows the detailed alert output for all alerts in the report.

You can choose to include, exclude, enable, or disable any of the report options by checking or clearing the check box next to the section title.

For graph reports, use the drop-down list to choose either a bar chart or one of the line graph formats described below. A bar graph is generated using standard HTML, so it can be printed from all browser types. Line graphs are generated using a java applet and may not print directly from all browsers. Read About Line Graphs for more information about this type of graph.

  • bar graph - one graph per measurement This bar graph displays a single type of measurement for one monitor during a specified time frame. For example, this type of graph is useful for displaying information like CPU usage over a given period of time.
  • line graph - one graph per measurement This line graph displays a single type of measurement for a single monitor during a specified time frame. Like the bar graph, this type of graph is useful for displaying CPU usage, URL round-trip times, and other items you are interested in measuring over time.
  • line graph - one graph per monitor This line graph plots all the readings from a single monitor on one graph. This is useful when you want to compare the readings against one another. For example, this type of graph would be very useful in comparing the steps executed by a URL Sequence Monitor.
  • line graph - one graph per type of measurement This line graph plots a single type of measurement gathered by several different monitors. For example, you can use this type of graph to plot the URL round trip times returned by several different URL monitors.
  • line graph - one graph for all measurements Using this option, you may select multiple instances of similar monitors and display all measurements from those monitors on a single graph. The monitor data is grouped for the monitors selected and line graphs are generated for each type of monitor in the group. If all of the monitors selected for the report are of the same type, for example URL monitors, then one line graph is generated with a line for each of the monitors. If different types of monitors are selected, such as CPU and Memory monitors, separate line graphs are created for each type of monitor in the group.

The following report sections and formatting options are also available:

Report Option


Summary of Monitor Thresholds Check this option to create a table of monitor error, warning, and good threshold settings for all of the monitors included in the report. If selected, this table is displayed as the first report section.
Count warning time the same as good time in Uptime Check this option to have any monitor readings reported as warnings included in the overall Uptime calculation
Don't display warning % column in Summary of Uptime and Readings Check this option to suppress monitor readings reported as warnings from the overall Uptime and Readings Summary section. Note: This option only suppresses the display of the Warning % column in the table; it does not change the calculation of the Uptime %.
Don't display failure column in Summary of Uptime and Readings Check this option to suppress monitor readings reported as errors from the overall Uptime and Readings Summary section. Note: This option only suppresses the display of the Error % column in the table; it does not change the calculation of the Uptime %.
Listing of Alerts Sent - Detail Level: Check this option to include a table of alerts sent for the monitor(s) in the report. The options for the Detail level are:
  • Basic
  • Show Detail for Failed Alerts
  • Show Detail for All Alerts
Formatting This option allow some customization of the report appearence. The option are:
  • color background (default)
  • color background, no table borders
  • white background

Send Report by E-mail
Your may choose to forward reports by e-mail. Enter the e-mail address(es) to which this report should be sent each time its generated. To send the reports to multiple e-mail addresses, separate the e-mail addresses with commas.

Send using HTML format
Select this option box if you want the report(s) sent in HTML format. Use this option to include the SiteScope report graphics. If you do not select this option only a text summary of the report is sent.

Select a template for SiteScope to use to create the e-mail message. You can choose from the following templates or make a copy of one of these and customize it to meet your own needs.

  • HistoryLongMail - Choose this option to send a detailed history report. It contains both user and administration links.
  • HistoryLongXMLMail - Choose this option to send a detailed history report. It contains both user and administration links for reports & XML files.
  • HistoryMail - This is the default option.
  • HistoryMailAlertDetail - Choose this option to have all alerts included in the report that is e-mailed.
  • HistoryMailNoLinks - Choose this option to send the report without any links in it.
  • HistoryUserMail - Choose this option for users without SiteScope administration privileges.

Report Title
Enter a name for this report. This name will appear at the top of each report and on the report list. If you do not specify a name here, SiteScope will use a default name.

Advanced Options

Show Detail
If this box is checked, the all of the information gathered for each monitor is displayed on the report. Otherwise, only the primary data is displayed for each monitor. For example, on a URL Sequence Monitor, if this box is checked, the timing information for each step in the sequence will be displayed in the report.

Show Monitors
By default, the report will show data for all of the monitors in the report. You use this option to have only a subset of those monitors to be shown - those that have had the specified status something during the report's time frame. For example, choosing "show only monitors that had errors" will display report data only if that monitor had spent time in error sometime during the time interval of the report.

Schedule Filter
By default, the report will show data for the full period of the report. You use this option to have only a only a subset of the data to be shown - those monitors that have samples during the time period of the schedule. For example, choosing "weekdays, 9-6" will display report data for the selected monitors with samples inside the 9am to 6pm time period, Monday thru Friday. Also, only this data is used for all the calculations.

Check this box to temporarily disable this report. To enable the report again, clear the box.

Generate comma-delimited file
Check this box to save a generated management report to a comma-delimited text file which you can then import into a spreadsheet application. SiteScope automatically saves these files in the <SiteScope install path>/SiteScope/htdocs directory. To find the exact location of the saved file on your machine, choose the Reports button on the SiteScope navigation bar and click the link for this report in the Reports column to go to the Report page. The full path to the file will be listed in parenthesis directly next to the date line. If you enter an e-mail address in the E-mail text box, SiteScope will send a copy of the comma-delimited file to that address.
Note: The comma-delimited file creates two columns for each monitor reading, one containing the value with units, and the other containing just the value. This is to make it easier to import the comma-delimited data into a third party application which may not automatically separate data values from the text describing the units.

Generate XML file
Check this box to save a generated management report to an XML text file. SiteScope automatically saves these files in the <SiteScope install path>/SiteScope/htdocs directory. To find the exact location of the saved file on your machine, choose the Reports button on the SiteScope navigation bar and click the link for this report in the Reports column to go to the Report page. The full path to the file will be listed in parenthesis directly next to the date link. If you enter an e-mail address in the E-mail text box, SiteScope will send a copy of the XML file to that address.
Note: The XML file creates two columns for each monitor reading, one containing the value with units, and the other containing just the value. This is to make it easier to import the XML data into a third party application which may not automatically separate data values from the text describing the units.

Time Scale
Use this time scale option to choose the time interval between monitor readings. By default, SiteScope uses automatic scaling. When automatic scaling is used, SiteScope determines how many readings were taken over the chosen time period for the given monitor(s) and then selects an appropriate interval for the management report. You use the Scale option to choose intervals that range from once every minute to once a day.

Vertical Scale
You use the vertical scale option to choose the maximum value displayed on a graph. By default, SiteScope will use the maximum sample value. Choosing a specific scale value will make it easier to compare graphs from different monitors and times.

End Time
By default SiteScope generates reports starting at the indicated time and ending at the time the report was generated. You may choose an alternate end time by selecting a time from the drop-down list. For example, you may want to have your reports run from midnight to midnight.

Indicate the time that you want SiteScope to generate this management report. The report will contain information for the last day, week, or month, ending at the time the report is run. For example, if a daily report is generated at 24:00 (midnight), it will contain data generated between midnight the previous day and midnight of the current day.