SiteScope User's Guide

Browse Counters Utility

Browsing counters is a two step process. First of all, you are asked to input the "Connection Properties" which identifies which device you wish to browse along with any other information required to connect to that device.

The second step is to browse and select the desired counters.

Connection Properties

The first page allows you to specify the connection properties for the device you want to browse. These properties include the device name and may include other properties such as port, username, password, and so forth, Enter the requested information and click the Browse button to see the available counters.

The Tree View of Counters

You use the Counter Tree View to view the counters available for the selected device and their associated relationships. An example of a Counter Tree is shown below.

(Click the open to expand a group, and the close to collapse a group).

image image LogBroadcasterRuntime:TheLogBroadcaster LogBroadcasterRuntime
image image ServerRuntime:petstoreServer ServerRuntime:petstoreServer
image image ConnectorServiceRuntime:ConnectorServiceRuntime ConnectorServiceRuntime:ConnectorServiceRuntime
image ConnectionPoolsTotalCount Returns the total number of deployed connection pools instantiated since the Server startup.
image ConnectionPoolCurrentCount Returns the number of currently deployed connection pools.

The counters are displayed in a tree structure which is initially fully collapsed. All objects will be preceded with a image or image which allows you to expand or collapse the display of that object. All counters are displayed in bold and are preceded with a check box used to indicated which counters are selected. The Place your cursor over this image to see the description of the counter or object. graphic indicates that an explanation is available for that item. Place the cursor over the Place your cursor over this image to see the description of the counter or object. graphic to display the information.

Expand All

Expands the entire tree to show all objects and counters. Counter selections are not affected.

Clear Selections

De-selects all counters and fully collapses the tree.

Reload Counters

Reloads the counters from the target device. Counter selections and the tree view are not affected.


Returns to the monitor setup page without saving any connection properties or counter selections


Saves the selected counters and connection properties and returns to the monitor setup page. Note: This information is not permanently saved until you hit Add/Update from the monitor setup page.