Installing SiteScope
Thank you for downloading SiteScope, an agentless server and system monitoring application. This document provides you with information to help you install and start using SiteScope.
This section describes:
SiteScope is a versatile and powerful server and system availability monitoring software package. SiteScope is designed as a single application that is installed in a single directory structure.
The SiteScope software package includes:
The following are the minimum requirements and recommendations for installing SiteScope.
To install SiteScope on a computer running Windows NT, Windows 2000, or Windows 2003:
SiteScope will create a directory named SiteScope and the tree structure containing all of the SiteScope files. The SiteScope service will be added and started during installation. It will also restart the service every time the system is restarted. The service can be started and stopped using the Start>Settings>Services control panel. SiteScope also adds a program item to the Start>Programs menu.
Beginning with the release, the UNIX and Linux installations of SiteScope are packaged with InstallShield® Multi-Platform.
gzip -dc SiteScope.system.tar.gz | tar xvf -where system is the applicable operating system (that is: sun or linux). This will create a directory called SiteScopeInstall containing the SiteScope installation files.
/bin/sh SiteScopeInstall/
If the installer determines that it can run in fully graphical mode it will do so. If not then it will prompt to run in either Console Mode or UI Mode.
To force the installer to use the console mode for the installation procedure, add the -console argument to the command line
The SiteScope process is started during installation. Whenever you restart your machine, you will want to start the SiteScope process manually from a shell window or automatically using an init.d script:
To start the SiteScope, use the start command:
To stop the SiteScope process, use the stop command:
In each of these commands, replace <installpath> with the path where SiteScope is installed. For example, if you installed SiteScope in /usr, the command to stop SiteScope would be /usr/SiteScope/stop.
Note: In order to view SiteScope Management Reports on UNIX based machines, it is necessary that an X Window system be running on the server where SiteScope is running.
UNIX/Linux installations can be automated by creating an installation template and then using that template during the install.
SiteScopeInstall/ -options-template ./install.tmp
SiteScopeInstall/ -silent -options ./install.tmp
SiteScope will now be installed silently using the template file to answer all the inputs requested by the installer.
If you have completed the installation of SiteScope and are viewing this file on the machine where SiteScope is installed, you can get started with SiteScope now by clicking on the following hyperlink:
If you would like to view or access this installation of SiteScope from another computer, open a browser window on the other computer and enter the following URL
Note:When SiteScope starts, it will try to use port 81. If this port is unavailable, SiteScope will pick a new port and send an e-mail message to the SiteScope administrator with the new port number it has selected. Make a note of the port change to access SiteScope both locally and remotely.
When you first start SiteScope you will be prompted to re-enter an e-mail address for the SiteScope administrator as well as specifying an e-mail server that SiteScope can use for sending status messages and e-mail alerts. You may also enter permanent SiteScope license keys, if you have received them from Mercury Interactive. If you are evaluating SiteScope, it is not necessary to enter the license information. You can enter license information later by clicking on the Preferences button on the SiteScope navigation menu.
After you enter the requested information and click the Continue button, SiteScope displays a Getting Started page with suggestions about how to start working with SiteScope as well as some options for automatically setting up a group of example monitors. If you are unfamiliar with SiteScope we recommend that you select the "Start Now with default settings and monitor examples" so you can more easily understand how SiteScope monitors and monitor groups are used and configured.
SiteScope is accessed through a web browser by entering the IP address and port of the SiteScope service. The SiteScope main page is your entry point to SiteScope.
SiteScope monitors are automated tests of services or systems in your Web environment. SiteScope has over 60 different monitor types that you can use to test the function, performance, and availability of a wide range of systems and applications. You can create multiple instances of any monitor type. You use groups to organize you monitors according to importance, location, type of system, or other criteria.
All SiteScope monitors need to belong to a group. The SiteScope main page displays the names of the top level groups of monitors in your installation. You click on the name of a group to add, view, edit, or delete monitors or subgroups, and to drill down into detailed monitoring data.
At the top of each page are navigation menus and button you use to navigate to the different parts of SiteScope. You use the navigation bar to set up automated alerts, configure performance reports, define connectivity to remote servers, enter many configuration settings, or view SiteScope's context-sensitive on-line help. Click the Browse Monitors link to view all monitors sorted on a criteria you select. Click on the Manage Monitors link to view and manage all groups and monitors using an expandable tree menu.
It is important to remember that SiteScope is designed as an agentless operational monitoring solution. This means that you do not have to install agent components on the servers you want to monitor. It does mean that you have to provide SiteScope with the information necessary to connect to other servers remotely.
To get started with SiteScope we recommend you do the following:
After you create monitors to test the systems and services in your infrastructure, SiteScope will begin reporting results within minutes.
Start with a few monitors and systems. Once you become comfortable with the product, you can easily set up more monitors, monitor remote systems, adjust alerts, and make other changes to best suit your needs.
After you open SiteScope, you can view the status of multiple, remote SiteScope installations by opening the Multi-view panel. Click the Multi-view in the SiteScope navigation menu to open the Multi-view panel. The first time you open the Multi-view panel, you will have to choose the Edit Multi-view Panel link to add the addresses of the SiteScope installations you want displayed.
If SiteScope does not open at the IP address found in the Open SiteScope link, try these steps and then try to access SiteScope again:
You may use SiteScope on a free trial basis for 10 days. At the end of the trial period you must either purchase a set of SiteScope monitors to continue using the software, or you must delete all SiteScope files and directories.
If you are using SiteScope on a trial basis, you will see a counter on the SiteScope main panel which will indicate how many days are remaining in your trial period. When you purchase a set of SiteScope monitors, you will be instructed on how to use your license number to register your SiteScope installation. The trial counter will no longer appear after you have completed the registration process.
Technical support for SiteScope is available in several forms.